1. Sandy Shores.
The construction permit for Sandy Shores filtration project was set to expire this month May 25th, Because of covid19 the process for an extension was rely easy. All i had to do was fill out request form fax it into the building department and the vary next day i was emailed the new extension and because of covid19 construction was delayed for so long that they waived extension fees that would have been $427.00.
Warren at Gray & Osborne is turning the project out to bid in next weeks paper, so hang on here we go!
2. Office remodel.
Comcast was in this week and hooked the cable up to the new office century-link will be here today to hook the phone up and Carlos turned his final bill in yesterday, his total $40,693.62. With the extras the office is coming in at what we had expected.
3. Grant application.
Todd, Tanya, Kai and my self had our Thursday zoom meeting putting together the grant application for the Sandy Shores filtration project. Things are moving along good so far and seems as though we are on tract for submitting the application in on time.
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Because the governor is not opening up to crowd’s of more than ten until July i will post on the web site that we are going to have the annual meeting via zoom ther will be the hyper link
Invite Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88413973834?pwd=d2Rzckg2cEpCQTNKOHRVQytEZzhtUT09
Meeting Password 604240Hide Meeting ID884 1397 3834. This of course will be posted to the main Paige and and i will have a note on the bill that will notify and direct people to the web site.