Booster pump station 99th AVE.

The booster pump station on 99th AVE that supplies water pressure to the south end of 99th AVE, its standby generator had kicked on for no aperient reason on Wednesday morning for less than an hour and then again yesterday this time not shutting off. The A.T.S (Automatic transfer switch) that senses power problems from P.S.E and tells the generator when to turn on is a high Tek pice of gear that gives me lots of information some of which is how much if any power is coming from P.S.E, scrolling through the menu on the control panel I can see that one of the three legs of power feeding the booster pump station did not have adequate power coming from it so I called P.S.E they came out and tested the power coming to the meter base (that is where the power meter is located and power is fed to the station) sure enough one leg was too low on voltage upon inspection that leg of power connection had a burn mark. This is a customer owned panel.

The next step was to call Vashon Electric, they came out first thing this morning and determined that that was the problem they did a temporary fix so that we didn’t have to run on the generator until they can get back out here next week with a new panel. The generator did what it was supposed to and ran perfectly the temp fix is working and will work until next week when we get a new panel and meter.

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