This week was chalked full of great progress at the well. I have been running the well manually for the last week and a half because of programing issues while fine tuning the operations of the new facility, basically that means getting both sources to pump for the same amount of time ( source one runs for two hours shuts off source two runs for two hours etcetera until there is no call for water , siloes are full) this way both sources share distribution equally. while helping S&B (The guys that set all the programing up) this week we were able to get the timing dialed in and on Wednesday I was able to turn sandy shores on auto and it works great! Thursday we had the final inspection done for the building permit and we passed that as well. With that all being said this project is basically completed we are going to have an official opening and dedication of the Steve Andrews filtration plant July 24th at noon, this is after the board meeting hope to see everyone there.
I was able to get six more car boys of chlorine this week (each car boy hold’s fifteen gallons) that means we have ten car boys in stock so we are good on chlorine for a while, conceivably until October but with the way we are now running Sandy shores and the Spring’s fulltime year round where’s Sandy shores used to only run during the summer months for high demand only I am not exactly sure how far out this amount of chlorine will last and hopefully the chlorine shortage will be over soon.
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Why was there no mention of the burst pipe at the back of plant. Water was gushing out for over 4hrs? It then happened the next day for approximately 2 hours?
I had to call you both times to get water turned off. So how can things be running perfectly?
Hi Debby, Thanks for letting me know about the water coming from the back of the new building, I really appreciate it! The water coming from outside of the building was and is not a burst pipe that water is from a valve that opens and closes when the well starts and stops those two episodes the valve had stuck, I was never able to pinpoint. Maybe a piece of debris somehow got into it I am not sure I cleaned the intake screen, and it has not done it since. As far as running perfectly I was referring to the set up and runtime in conjunction with the springs the filters operation and chlorine injection working correctly as getting this new facility dialed in has been a time consuming prosses as these are major changes made to the operations of our system.
As far as leaving out water coming from outside the back of the building, I assure you I did not leave this out of my letter on purpose, as I have been coming out here 7 days a week in the beginning to run this thing manually until I got these big thigs ironed out that I described up top and putting in long hours doing them I do apologize for forgetting to put this in my letter.
Debby, If you would like to, I would love to give you a tour and explain how this thing works, it is a very neat setup and because it is a filtration plant know it will always require a fair amount of attention to operate it. This has been money well spent and will serve Dockton water for a long time giving us more water capacity and insuring that Dockton water has good clean safe drinking water.
My Cell # 206-769-7415
Again, thanks for being eyes on the ground and if you ever have any questions, please feel free to call me anytime.