I have spent some time down at the springs this week cleaning well points, number’s 8,9,10, and 11all have been cleaned and back on line number 6 that was down has been cleaned and put back online. There is three more well points that need cleaning, water production is good right around 78 gallons a minute.

Fore those who don’t know what it takes to clean/maintain a well point, it is labor intensive and uses a fair amount of chlorine. First off these shallow hand driven well points are between ten and thirteen feet deep with a three inch well casing that is driven into the ground using a water jet and the well point is jeted inside of that, the well point is made of inch and a quarter p.v.c pipe that has a bunch of holes drilled at the bottom of the well point and a screen on the inside to keep debris from entering. the well point is connected to a black Polly pipe ( this is a black flexible pipe that comes in 100 foot rolls and is three quarters of an inch in diameter) This pipe is connected to the well point with fittings and runs all the way to what we call the head works, that’s where all the well points ( all 28 of them) dump into and from there the water is chlorinated and then goes’ into the contact basin and then distribution. The well points are all gravity, ( it’s like siphoning gas) you fill the black Polly pipe with water all the way to the well point and then let it run. That gets the well point running.

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Out of twenty eight well point’s ten of them require constant maintenance, this is due to manganese build up. First I break the siphon then disconnect the black Polly pipe at both ends and then take the fittings off the top of the well point dump chlorine down into the well point, I have a brush that fits tight inside the well point that I run all the wat to the bottom of the well point scouring the manganese out and sanitizing at the same time, then I take the fittings from the well point down to the head works and clean those and the fittings from the head works in a water chlorine solution from there I dump chlorine into the black Polly pipe along with a waded up paper towel and hook the garden hose up to it and let it run, the paper towel scrubs the line and the chlorine disinfects.

Once all of this is complete I can put it all back together leaving the Polly pie disconnected from the head work’s charge the line with water and let the well point run for about thirty minutes that’s enough time for it to run clean and go back into service, hooking it back up to the head work’s. This takes about an hour to do one with the exception of well point’s 6,7 and 15 those guys get plugged with sand and require extra jetting.


  1. Toni Doane

    Hello, Dave:
    I appreciate receiving your Friday letters which are always informative and easy to understand, especially given that much of the language/terminology used in the world of water system management can likely be unclear to the average DWA member. Your description of cleaning and maintaining the well points is super. Thank you!
    Toni Doane (#328)

  2. Todd Currie

    What’s with this Manganese! It’s turned into a $600k “problem” (or, reality) at the Sandy Shores well! Not “Enemy #1”, I’m sure. But I’m no fan! ;>)

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