Monthly board meeting.
Tomorrow April 22nd at ten am via zoom is the monthly board meeting to join Go to and on the home page you will find the zoom link click on it ten minutes before ten so as to give April Wilkinson (vice President in place of Darton Riely-Gibbon’s president) time to let everyone in and start the meeting on time.
Remember the annual meeting is June 24th at ten am. We have been sending flyers with your bills since March in preparation for the annual meeting. In the march bill was a call for candidates we have three openings you have until April 30th to submit your candidacy. You can go to our website for more info or contact Clint Douthit (secretary) In your next bill is the ballot/budget (plus rate and/or bylaw narratives) and candidate statement’s. You will be voting on all these things at the annual meeting. Your vote counts! We need it to approve next year’s budget (it starts July 1st) and approve any bylaw changes and of course approve you favorite candidates.
Hope to see you all tomorrow morning if not, have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!