Financial Summary – January 2022

Financial Summary – January 2022

Operations Income and Staffing Costs are right on target. Business Ops costs are high primarily due to legal fees for litigation with King County (Franchise Fees) — and Insurance is paid. These high costs are mostly behind us. System Ops costs are in-line with budget and should finish close to plan. Capital Improvement Income reflects additional billing for installation reimbursement. A nice bonus is that we’ve sold a new share (the first in a long time)! Sales of new shares helps rebuild our Capital Improvement fund for expansion and upgrades to our system.

Dave and I are working through the first drafts of the Operations Budget for the 2023 Fiscal Year. A committee has been formed that will consider next year’s budget in light of any possible need for a rate change, especially any impacts of inflation on our expenses.

Detail Reports from Quickbooks:

Contact me with any questions/comments: Todd, 206-696-1216,