Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Susan
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of March meeting: Approved.
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (Darton)
- N/A
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- Water production good
- Lots of mowing and weed-eating, but last year’s grounds maintenance really paying off – easier to keep up now – much faster – both wells and springs
- Projects
- Permit extension for new Springs wells – still waiting for email response from Ecology. Currently short on staff so backlogged on permits but we’re in the queue.BHC on PRV relocation – they’re working on it. Invoices coming in monthly. Dave fills out application for reimbursement from Ecology, immediately respond – not using any of our funds in the bank. Very efficient and convenient.
- Will pick back up with Gray & Osborne for construction once permit extended
- Ballots coming in. ~75 in so far – good response rate
- ~10 shut-off notices last month; 8 fully paid; 1 working with Dave on plan; 1 no response.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Billing is lower in April, continuing trend from winter. Billing less despite higher rate – usage down. Relatively light water usage is making an impact to bottom line, but could be adjusted in high-usage months.
- Paul asked if silo level has been down. Dave says no, relatively stable. Shut off Sandy Shores for a few days but turned back on with heat snap anticipating increased usage, but nothing really came of it.
- Budget is best guess of what we’ll finish with this year – lower than planned but still okay – mostly adjustment to transfer from operations to system replacement fund (retro transfer back to operations from system replacement)
- Another share sold, pending receipt of check; waitlist for refund (Runciman) also processed. So that 2 “new” memberships.
- Susan – asked by neighbor if membership fee change is due to anticipated development – answered no.
- Todd will present budget at annual meeting.
- Good updates to website by Todd.
- We’re anticipating projects that are improvements for the entire system.
- Increased membership fee reflects better system.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Nothing new. Recap of plan (immediate and long-term) for annual meeting.
- Susan – do we anticipate questions about projects that impact individuals/areas?
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- No updates.
- Need to discuss future silo replacement.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- Susan – new round of funding for solar panels not applicable to us.
- Susan – what’s up with 268th parcel? April to follow up
- Darton – yes, usually only question
- Dave – all ballots except one have approved budget and bylaw changes.
- Paul – let’s put together a slide deck for annual meeting of projects, budgets, etc. He can pull together with help from Dave
- Paul has projector – needs to connect to PC.
- Susan – can we include some of Sam’s illustrations, images, etc.?
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
What did we decide?
- April: N/A
- Clint: N/A
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: N/A
- Paul: N/A
- Susan: N/A
- Sam: N/A
- Todd: N/A