Call to Order: 11:30 am
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, April, Susan, Todd, Clint, Paul, Susan, Sam, Dave (Manager).
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member : None
President’s Report (Darton):
- Susan and April were introduced as new board members, having been elected in the Annual Shareholder meeting. Paul motioned that Todd be the Treasurer, Darton Seconded and the board approved.
- April confirmed that Board positions (President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary) are voted on annually, board terms are for 2 years.
- Darton noted that any check over $3k needs 2 signatures and the VP should be a backup signer in those cases.
- Clint nominated Darton for President and April for VP, Darton seconded April’s nomination.
- Todd nominated Clint as Secretary.
- Todd informed the Board the bank wants an approved set of minutes identifying the VP.
- Todd moved that the board make a one-time $10,000 transfer from the operations account into system replacement fund, for a total of $40,000 transferred in 2022.
- Dave is to update the contact roster and Todd will update the website to reflect new additions to the board.
- Susan requested that we re-distribute the Small Water System Plan (SWSP). Logistics and planning re: distribution are pending
- Association Member Bruce suggested we continue to update the plan as need to keep the SWSP as a living document.
- Sam suggested public tours to the different places/parts of the DWA systems operations. Sam also suggested providing smaller pieces of information to the members to keep people engaged and informed to spur conversation.
- Dave offered to provide tour of the system to those members interested. Date and time TBD. June 30th suggested.
- Association Member Richard Foulkes inquired about the tour and the possibility that we would reactivate the reservoir on Hake road. The board confirmed it would not.
- Dave informed the board that we are hiring the same outfit for the tank inspections. Instead of divers, they will use remote operated drones.
- April inquired re: Committees. Committee’s are ad hoc and board members are allowed to join, form and meet as needed.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave):
- None other than what was in the Annual Meeting minutes.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- None other than what was in the Annual Meeting minutes.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Nothing to discuss.
CIP and Planning Committee
- Nothing to discuss.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- None
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
- None other than what was in the Annual Meeting minutes.
What did we decide?
- Officers nominated and elected:
- President: Darton Riely-Gibbons
- Vice President: April Wilkinson
- Treasurer: Todd Currie
- Secretary: Clint Douthit
- Todd moved that the board make a one-time $10,000 transfer from the operations account into system replacement fund, for a total of $40,000 transferred in 2022.
- Dave is to update the contact roster and Todd will update the website to reflect new additions to the board.
- Dave will facilitate a tour of the system on June 30th.