Call to Order:
Welcome: April, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of December meeting: Approved with the condition we change “lead-free” to not lead-free”.
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (April)
- We can discuss Sam’s flyer at the next meeting.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- We are trying to install new wells at the springs, that the health dept and ecology would approve. We have a permit for 10 new wells. That permit has expired and we’ve applied to renew it.
- No indication why they would deny us, delay is on their side. We’ve hired G&O to do the engineering for us. They did a wetland survey 3 months ago. Results of that survey would allow us to drill 3 new wells and see how they perform.
- Ryan and Warren with G&O to provide a timeline and budget for new wells. Wells are all gravity wells, smaller pipe sizes are needed for well functioning wellpoints and we have no desire to put pumps in.
- Warren – each well point at the springs provides between 1-5 GPM. 2″ wells could increase that to 5-10 GPM. Would be nice to go at least 20 feet deep on the new production wells. Better artesian push at those depths, too.
- Russ- Most of the site is wetlands, small strip is not, this is where the 3 wells would go. Warren suspects the wetlands are the top of the aquifer, unknown where the bottom is.
- King County is aware of the wetlands, from a regulatory standpoint. We would need Corp permission to put new wells in the wetlands.
- Construction of the wells could take one day, but getting approval to drill could take at least a year.
- PRV project – BHC, the engineering firm as at the 60% level with engineering on the project. We are at a place where we can go to contractors and get them to commit to do the job this summer.
- Ryan at BHC informed Dave we could get a bid on the job. We still need DOH approval. Dave proposes we go out to 3 contractors – Frank Zellerhoff, Jake Johnson and Pacific Crest Construction for bids.
- We should be able to stay in the right of way for the whole project.
- Paul made a motion, Darton seconded it for Dave to put the project out for bid for 3 wells and not 5. The motion passed.
- Meter Reading Software – The handheld device is failing, causing Skyler to re-work some routes. We pay $1,700 a year for the software to read meters. To remedy this: Comcast IP is $25 a month, iPad would be $500, cost to setup and install firewall will add to the cost.
- This should help with effectiveness and efficiency of reading the meters.
- Main Break at Sandy Shores flooded a house last summer, we’ve wrapped up the remediation, flooring is done and concludes any water damage to the house.
- Dave is going to start getting certified for his Water Development Manager III.
- DWA Building bathroom – frozen pipes broke, plumbing will be easy to fix, should we remodel the bathroom? It could make the facility more available for community activity.
- We have money set aside for siding on the building that we can allocate to the plumbing repair.
- Surface water on 99 is not our main, it is just surface water.
- Annual meeting prep – There are timelines between now and June for what we need to do.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- 94th to Pt. Piner is in system replacement and capital improvement on the DWA budget. Construction costs are in 2026-2027. Borrowing would be necessary.
- Usage is down from prior year, base charges are up, capital fee is up to help capital improvements budget.
- Other sources of funds: 1) we’re transferring money from operations into the system replacement fund and we are able to do it at the $50k rate. 2) We have loan receipts from the state.
- Use of funds – CPA fee for the 990 was billed sooner, insurance was paid in Q1, not Q2 like last year. Most of our expenses are lower. Filtration plant control has resulted in lower electricity costs and chlorine monitoring has produced some cost savings.
- We are running ahead of budget, staffing is right under budget, biz ops is high due to timing of CPA and insurance, sys ops is right at the half year mark.
- Projects – we’ve budgeted $113k for the springs project, $13k already spent.
- We had planned to go to Kitsap Bank to borrow $100k, we could just work it out through DWA’s current funds.
- Good Neighbor Fund – 6 people using it, lower than expected.
- Our financial situations is solid.
- Dave sold the company truck, the plan is to get a newer diesel truck after some repairs..
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Dave covered most issues
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- The suggestion is still what’s on the CIP. Water availability letter would outline the time and $ DWA is putting towards the 94th to Pt Piner connection. No justification to move Summerhurst connection up on the timeline.
- Dave prepares CWA’s. Dave can have one done by Monday. DWA would recommend that we need to follow the current approved plan of priority of improvements. If the shareholder finances the improvement, it could happen sooner.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- We expect a call from the silo inspectors, Dave to reach out to heights to see when they are coming on island.
New Business / Discussion Items
- N/A
Other Business
- N/A
What did we decide?
- Paul made a motion, Darton seconded it for Dave to put the project out for bid for 3 wells and not 5. The motion passed.
- April: N/A
- Clint: Update minutes
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: N/A
- Paul: N/A
- Susan: N/A
- Sam: N/A Todd: N/A