Call to Order:
Welcome: April, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint, Susan
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of December meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (April)
- Dave’s performance review is ready to go and will be sent to Paul and Todd. YOY progress is impressive, he continues to meet goals and new goals for 2024 were set.
- We need to prepare the annual report and CIP plan needs to be completed to be included.
- Budget will be a large part of the next meeting and Clint will need to prepare the call for candidates.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- We do have more work to do before the money is allocated to us. We need to do a cultural review, in narrative form.
- Nothing new on the springs project as far as the wells go.
- Todd and Dave have reviewed the budget. COLA increase for staff is in consideration. Dave wants to change how we deal with fuel for the work truck. Convert to mileage used instead of a fuel reimbursement.
- Todd sees an estimate of billed revenue of $294k. We had budgeted $91k for usage and forecast is showing $84k. Water consumption has reduced in 2024 since rate increases.
- Insurance costs are up due to revalued property and inclusion of 268th property. We are expecting a surplus of a couple thousand.
- COLA raises was discussed in depth. Will continue to discuss as the budget develops.
- New meters will have the capability of remote reader reading. Meters last 10 years without losing efficiency and accuracy. Maybe half of DWA’s meters need to be replaced. Dave is proposing a budget to upgrade meters over the next 4 years.
- Maybe $50k per year over the next 4 years to replace every meter in the system. This will help with future proofing and revenue leakage. We need to do a cost benefit analysis to get a savings amount to go forward with the project.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- The billing system will need to be upgraded. The new billing system might allow for online web-based billing and payments. $10k is the estimate for the new system.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Will reach out to the county and reach out to Heights for their silo inspection reference.
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- April will reach out to Darton for any updates.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- N/A
New Business / Discussion Items
- N/A
Other Business
- N/A
What did we decide?
- April: Reach out to Darton
- Clint: Prepare call for candidates
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: Call Derek at Heights, Call Sam
- Paul: Contact county and ensure funding
- Susan: N/A
- Sam: Flyer
- Todd: Work on payroll and inflation and build in capital charges for meters