Call to Order:
Welcome: April, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint, Susan
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of February meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (April)
- Dave and Skyler did great finding the massive leak, Paul threw a hand in looking for the leak, Susan and Sam reached out to local organiztions and Voice of Vashon reported on it.
- Beachcomber is looking to do an article on the leak, will reach out to April and Dave
- This was a good exercise in disaster planning and showed what are capabilities are in an emergency
- Proposed conservation easement, annual report, candidates for next board
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- The Main Break:
- Tuesday: Skyler knew from checking the silos that we were losing lots of water, ~240,000 gallons
- Spent all day driving and walking to find the leak, expecting it to be easier to find
- Looked at part time residents meters, no change there
- Dave and Skylar went to the Sandy Shores filtration plant to manually turn it on and ensured the springs pumps were still going strong
- Dave posted on the website and alerted the community of the emergency situation
- We gained zero ground because the siloes were still draining as fast as they could fill it.
- Wednesday: Skylar read the booster pump station hours, pump 3 had run 23 hours which let them know the problem was in the south end of the system.
- Dave was able to hear the water continuing to rush after turning off a valve, the leak was 6 feet away from the valve. 300k-400k gallons were lost in sandy field.
- The valves had a T in the line and the valve was off of that T and was intended for a fire hydrant that was never installed. Also, someone put a 2 inch line that feeds one house.
- 400k gallons is the conservative estimate, could be closer to 450k or 500k.
- Paul asked if there is a flow-meter we can install at the silos to alert us that flow has increased. We can add that to our CIP plan.
- The culprit was a flowering maple that had grown on top of the line and the root ball had destroyed the line.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Billing system upgrade could be $6k, not $10k. Training might be more onerous than previously considered. There’s a 3-4 month lag on implementation. Angie, Skyler and Dave have viewed a demo and learning curve shouldn’t be an issue.
- There’s a potential savings of $4k saved converting to online billing. This is paper, ink, postage, envelopes, maintenance fees.
- 2024-2025 budget – Usage has gone down some from 2023, Insurance has gone up by a large margin, rates are still under discussion for 2024/2025
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Dave and Paul met with the county, CIP will continue as-is. Start engineering in 2024 99th to Point Piner
- We got an estimate from Vashon Custom Homes to replace the skirting on the DWA building.
- PRV project – if we have a dry summer, we will be able to get the project done. We have to put it out for bid.
- 268th property – April and Dave met with the parks dept. They would like to buy a conservation easement, they would then sell the residential building rights and would restrict ever building on that parcel
- We can carve out a section for ourselves, so if we get a water right for it, we can drill a well.
- Tom with the land trust is volunteering to help king county buy the easement. Appraisal and proposal will take at least 4 months, then DWA would need to go out to members which could take 2-3 months
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- April will reach out to Darton for any updates.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- N/A
New Business / Discussion Items
- N/A
Other Business
- Annual Meeting notice, President’s Message and Agenda will go out in the next bill.
What did we decide?
- April: Annual Report, Agenda, Bylaws update
- Clint: Candidates Reminder
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: N/A
- Paul: N/A
- Susan: Grants
- Sam: Flyer
- Todd: 2024/2025 Budget
Would king Co use property for eventually parking lot if we loose control?
Thanks for this question. The possibility of a parking lot is one thing that would need to be resolved before any decisions or agreements are made about a conservation easement. We will request input from Shareholders about all aspects of a possible easement – including the necessity of a parking lot or lack thereof – after we receive an initial written proposal from King Co. That input will guide DWA’s response and subsequent steps, if any.