Call to Order:
Welcome: April, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of June meeting: Approved.
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (April)
- Received an email from someone creating a new parcel number. We believe we’ll be able to assist with no issue.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- Friday letter did not go out. Todd managed to push it out manually.
- Skylar and Dave have been doing maintenance around the building, cleaned the hydrants and working down at the springs
- Dave had to check the media in the filter at sandy shores, it has lost some and got topped up
- Dave did the PFAS test, PFAS are everywhere
- We’ve heard nothing from the parks and nothing from ecology on the springs
- Dave has G&O going on this and we are moving forward
- Good Neighbor Fund
- We need to come up with a policy, threshold for acceptance is if you are using gov’t subsidies, you’re eligible
- We need to draft a board policy to outline the Good Neighbor Fund
- Final version by the 3rd of August
- CIP planning committee
- The board needs to consider how to re-form committees?
- Committees should meet quarterly, we need a chairman for each
- Water Production, Finance, CIP, community outreach
- WordPress is capable of doing surveys, can do voting blocks
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- “Billed Sources” for Ops was as budgeted. For Cap Improvement we got BIG bump from 4 Membership sales (only one was fulfilled from the Waiting List, so +$30k!)
- “Business Ops” over budget due to “Office Costs” (Software subscriptions, Paper, Postage) — inflation impact
- “Systems Ops” over budget primarily due to the Hydrologic study completed for the SWSMP. Plus, Water Quality testing was double our budget.
- “Taxes and Fees” low because no payment to King Co. for Franchise Fee.
- In “Other Sources” for System Replacements we show $51k coming in, even though transfer from Ops was just $40k. Difference is the new loan for the PRV project.
- Ending Balance in System Replacement $80k higher than plan as we held back on some projects, and tapped our loan for $11k.
- Ending Balance in Cap Improvement $10k better than expected as we left 1 new Membership fee ($10k) in the Fund.
- (2 fees were transferred to Contingency to pay down EIDL.)
- OVERALL: year came in very well to expectations! (Bravo Dave!)
- April suggested adding a pie chart or visuals to the monthly finance reports
- Bruce suggested looking at our usage rates as an alternative to loans/grants
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Paul’s portion was covered with Dave’s operational report
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- No updates.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- Good Neighbor Assistance Fund – Flyer to go out with next bill
- Update to the bylaws for new rates
- 3M PFAS Settlement – Are we eligble? Paul will ask Duncan to see if it is in our best interest
- HAKE/Manzanita connection – The residents have drainage issues and don’t want to provide an easement.
- 268th property and ballot questions/items: Clint tallied the votes and both of the ballot items passed and the 3 incumbent board members were re-elected.
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
- Annual Meeting request – Include 500 cf with the base rate? not in favor
- Website maintenance – would be nice to have a backup for the website
- Change to scheduled meetings – Combined meeting in December
What did we decide?
- April: N/A
- Clint: Update bylaws for new rates
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: talk to Duncan and neighbors re: Manazanita connection
- Paul: Find someone in engineering services to come out to Vashon to look at silos
- Susan: Good Neighbor Fund final approval
- Sam: Key art for good neighbor fund
- Todd: Vote re: donations