Monthly Board meeting.
Tomorrow morning Saturday 22nd at ten am the monthly board meeting.
It will be in person at the DWA office 9710 SW Windmill ST and via zoom as well please show up Five to ten minutes early so we can get everyone seated and get the meeting started on time the same for zoom participants to join that way go to and on the home page you will find the zoom link click on that and you will be transported to the wonderful world of Dockton water.
What has been happing at Dockton water?
Skylar and I have been busy maintaining the ground at the springs, Sandy Shores well the office clearing around fire hydrants and keeping up with water production at the springs.
As part of the maintenance of the filtration plant we check the media in the filters themselves. After three years in service, we finally had to add some new media to all four tanks, they all required the same amount of media about eight inches (not much) there is about 55 inches full.
with the implementation of the filtration plant our system is operating great in keeping up with water production in these hot summer days!