Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Susan, Dave(Manager), Paul, April, Darton, Todd
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approve – Minutes of October meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (Darton)
- None
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
Dave notes there was great feedback on Sam’s illustrations that accompanied recent bills. He also noted that two more are in the oks.
Jake Johnson will remove the tree n 267th next week
Skyler has passed the WDM Certification and is officially the back up operator. This will save $150/month for not having to hire this out. Skyler’s pay has been increased for the two certifications.
DOH came back with minor comments on the SMPS, which Dave sent to Ben. Ben has added three items to his report.
Hydraulic monitoring of the system was requested, which will add to the CIP, with a fee of $5,200 increased fee. Testing of three fire hydrants in lower Dockton will cost about $1,000 each. This will need to be done and the SWSP completed by Feb. 2023. Todd asked if spot validation of the hydrants is a good idea, and Dave responded that it’s expensive, and that hydrants were tested in 2014. This item was approved by the Board.
ACTION: Dave will schedule the contractor, and see if any additional hydrants can be tested at the same time.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
Todd noted that the revenue was as expected at this time of the year, though unscheduled maintenance costs are a bit heavy with the water tower cleaning. Todd created a line item account for maintenance such as the tower cleaning, but we still have financial pressure on operations.
Todd focused on the 6 year Financial Projection, which is needed for the SWSP, and for future loan applications. He referred to Ben’s cost estimates for projects, all of which are costly, $500K to $1M, while the current $100K project is only engineering. An additional $300K is needed for actual construction. Any projects beyond the Sandy Shores PAV and maintenance will require additional funding. So, some prioritization is needed. Todd later sent out the 6-year projection in a spreadsheet that allows changes in the revenue.
Todd noted that DWA has applied for a pre-engineering loan of $100K for the engineering and a piece of the main, but no further upgrade of the line on 275th. He cited the next window to apply for state funds is in Oct-Nov 2023, which would fund construction in summer 2024. (This is reflected in Todd’s 6-year forecast.) Todd recommends increasing the share costs and further consideration by a committee to study the rate structure for base and usage rates and the capital rate.
Discussion about the CIP and Todd’s 6-year budget forecast concluded with plans for additional meetings prior to the next board meeting.
Todd will schedule meetings to consider the share price increase and rate structure, and review the 6-year forecast.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
Paul noted that in 2012 NW Water applied for a permit to correct all wells to hard case types, and the permit was granted. In 2017 the permit was extended. Now DWA has done its share of the required projects. DOE will inspect and likely will accept the drilling area and extend the permit. DWA will agree that by 2030 all water will be from cased wells.
Paul also noted that DWA is working with Parks, which will allow a 5-year renewal special use permit with restrictive covenants. DOH has agreed to this. Parks won’t accept a long term covenant. The next step in this process is by Parks.
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- None
Old Business / Carryover Items
- None
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
April noted that she and Angie are still looking into different payment modes.
April has contacted the owners adjacent to the DWA small property on 268th. They are interested in acquiring it, and this will save DWA about $300/year in taxes. There was discussion as to whether an attorney was needed to handle the transaction, and the suggestions that perhaps Duncan could do this.
April noted that her phone number on the board contact list is incorrect. Dave later corrected it.
Susan noted she’s still looking for new doors at Second Use.