Water main break.

Last Friday I received a phone call informing me there was water gushing out of the ground and running down the middle of the road and over the hill side on 275th ST halfway down on the way to lower Sandy Shores. I was able to slow the water down by turning a valve that was just before the break this allowed me to keep people in water in lower Sandy Shores and get the water into the county ditch until we are able to dig up the break to make the repair.

I did what I always do I called in Emergency locates turned in the Emergency dig permit and contacted Frank Zellerhoff, (Zellerhoff construction). Frank showed up on site at the same time the locate guy showed up we broke ground at 11:00am and found that this is where the main crosses the road and turns 90 degrees to continue running downhill these too pipes were not square with each other making the 90-degree fitting put undue stress on the pipe running downhill this resulted in fracturing six feet of pipe. This pipe has been in the ground in the Neiborhood of twenty years or more and goes to show what not doing a job right the first time can lead too and as in this case a long time down the road.

We had the repair completed the main flushed and everyone turned back on by 6:00pm.

Skylar’s W.T.P.O test .

On September 20th Skylar passed his test to be certified as a water treatment plant operator as required by the Department of Health and required by Dockton water as well now that we have a water treatment plat (Sandy Shores well). The next test he needs to take is for his W.D.M.1 (water distribution manager) certification. This test he will take this month and when he passes it and on his one-year anniversary (November 1st) he will officially become our back-up operator.

It’s October 1st tomorrow and supposed to be really nice all weekend. So, get out there and enjoy it the sun while you can.

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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