Skylar got Covid.

Skylar our operator in training came down with Covid over the weekend and has been out all week Angi the bookkeeper and I tested Monday and turned up negative. I just got off the phone with Skylar and he still sounded pretty sick and probably won’t be back in on Monday. Our best for Skylar!

Extra duties.

Because Skylar is out sick, I have been doing Skylar’s daily routines and finishing up reading meters along with my regular duties. I finished reading meters today.

Emergency repair Manzanita P.R.V.

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P.R.V valve, (pressure reducing valve), there are seven locations that house these valves four are in vaults in the ground on the side of the road these valves keep water pressure from getting too high in the distribution system when a valve fails there is another valve in the vault that senses the spike in pressure and lets water out of a blow off to relive the extra pressure so the system doesn’t over pressurizes.

On Monday the Manzanita P.R.V failed and the blow off did exactly what it was supposed to do, I called GC Systems and they came out Tuesday and rebuilt the valve and its associated component’s.

Lower Sandy Shores.

Lower Sandy Shores has two P.R.V vaults one is too old to rebuild and is in the design stage for getting replaced, the second one is meant to relive pressure only not like the others this one is separate from each other. I had this one rebuilt as well and it needed it, this valve was in poor shape! Having this one rebuilt should help with water main breakage that we get way too often in lower Sandy Shores.

It’s nice to see everything turning green again! see and hear the birds so get out there and have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Susan Head

    Good Morning Dave,
    I just read your note about the pressure relief valve and I’m a bit confused…….
    I understand that you repaired the valve on our property during the winter or did some type of “bandaging” to that equipment. Does this mean you will postpone replacing lower Sandy Shores waterline and move on to some other project in the system?
    I hope we are still top priority and not neglected.
    Please confirm that this work will be done this summer as you assured me last year.
    Thanks, Susan Head

    1. Dave Stoltz

      Hi Susan,

      This Valve is next door to Bob Lanes house it is meant to relive over pressurization that is caused by the valve on your property. Going through the records we have concerning the valve on your property this valve was installed in 2007 my hope is that rebuilding this valve helps alleviate the continuing problem I have down there with water main breaks.

      I didn’t do any type of work on the valve or bandaging to it over the winter we are in the early stages of getting that project going and that is engineering that will start after the new budget is approved at the annual meeting in June and hopefully at the same time, we will be eligible for loans or grants through the government as this is the only way we will be able to do this project in the near future. I had the engineer give me a cost estimate this is just to relocate the P.R.V off your property to the corner of 275th and lower Sandy Shores between 366,000 and 500,00 there is a few factors that need to be figured out to know what it will actually cost but whatever the number is it will be expensive. This is top priority number one on the list of water main projects This will be a prosses and take I’m thinking about a year before we can start the job that is my hope but don’t hold me to that timeline as there is a bunch of factors at play.

      Just know this, it is at the top of the list as we want to see this relocated and replaced just as bad as you.

      I hope this answered your question’s and if you have any more feel free to ask.


  2. Susan Head

    Hi Dave,
    I just found your letter and not the news I wanted to hear. Too bad the work wasn’t done
    twenty-five years ago when we wanted the vault closed so we could build a garage. This is such an injustice to us….not able to use our own property. We have always paid the monthly bill, never received complementary water or charged the water company for use of our property. And, as you know, we have had heavy equipment digging up my yard and steps to repair breaks.! Years ago the manager even threatened to sue us in order to recover some losses. ( back then, the water system was much smaller and would have been a less complicated fix)
    We’ll, thanks for listening and letting me “get that off my chest”.
    As my kids say, “ it is what it is” for now.
    Please don’t forget us.
    This morning I tried sending a note to “operator “ then a second note to “ manager”……I
    didn’t know if they were delivered or just floating in some cloud……….I’m still on a learning curve with this I-pad and never know if I pushed the right buttons. Then, I found your letter, so just disregard the notes, if they ever arrive.

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