Board Meeting Minutes – April 28, 2022

Board Meeting Minutes – April 28, 2022

Call to Order: 10:10 am

Welcome: Paul (Darton is away)

Present/Quorum (yes): Paul, Todd, Clint, Morris, Gini, Sam, Dave (Manager). Guests: April Wilkinson, Penny, Nicole, Sheila

Consent Items

Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved

Approved? – Minutes of April meeting: Approved.

Information Items

Guest Speakers comments (if any): None

Board Member : None

President’s Report (Darton):

  • Darton is away so no President’s report.

Manager/Operator Report (Dave):

  • The DWA member who had a large outstanding bill has paid in full and we only have a few other delinquent bills.
  • Skylar is taking a three day class to pass his first certification course. He will take another two day class after this is passed. Once he has passed these certification exams he will be a full back up oprator. This should happen by year end.
  • Dave siad Gray and Osborne looked into the question of prvious Hydraulic Modeling and found it hasn’t been done since 2008. Ben Dahle has this information now for the Small Water System plan. In researching the unusually high water usage recently it appears to be a result of true high water usage and also a couple of recent leaks.
  • We seem to be in good shape with our paperwork for the Annual Board Meeting in June.

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee (Todd):

  • Please refer to the Financial Summary for March 2022 available on the website. Todd has added an additional column to the statement titled Current Forecast which he hopes will make info reported clearer. All areas of Summary are on target.
  • After discussion, it was agreed that the treasurer will continue providing monthly cash reconciliations reports but the “Financial Summary” (of Fund Activity) will shift to quarterly. The board agreed that providing this information on a quarterly basis will allow him to free up time for researching grant and loan options.
  • Todd put forth the motion to approve the per cubic foot rate change adding .005 to our rate bringing it to .025. This was discussed last month but not voted on. Gini seconded and the board all voted in favor. This rate will go into affect in June.
  • Todd went over the Draft Budget for 2023 that will be included with the Annual Meeting mailing to our members. There was discussion of how much money would be transferred from Operations to System Replacement. The System Replacement spending plans are for the Sandy Shores PRV replacement, 94th and Summerhurst Connection, 268th St. well house demo. the projection of costs for these is $130K plus another $9K for unscheduled needs. We are still planning to spend the money budgeted this year to fix the DWA building. Capital Improvement funds will go towards paying our interest and loan and a small amount toward Dockton Springs project.
  • Todd put forward a motion to make a transfer of $10K from the Operations to the System Budget funds since we will be spending more on system replacements soon and we will have a $10K surplus in Operations. Paul seconded and the board voted in favor unanimously.
  • Todd mentioned that in the past we had board members who had the knowledge and contacts to provide DWA essentially “free” consulting and know-how which allowed us to avoid expenses. We do not have these board members now and consequently we are having to pay for the services they provided.
  • These was discussion on the merits of spending money repairing the DWA building. It was agreed the plans to make repairs were warranted.
  • There was discussion on spending money improving our IT firewall against hacking. We may choose to spend a little to gain protection although it isn’t probably that important since our office systems are not on line that much. The computer operating system for the water plant itself is really not at risk because it is not set up to be operated through a computer. Dave or a technician needs to go to the filtration building and manually enter information. It was suggested that Ben Dahle include a paragraph in our small system plan describing the computerization or limits thereof to our water system.
  • Paul called for a vote to approve the budget Todd presented. All the board approved.
  • Todd put forth thew motion to present the 2023 budget to DWA. Gini seconded and all the board approved.

Water Production Committee (Paul):

  • Once a new Board is voted in and a new Water Committee established Paul plans to really start working on the 5 well points and 268th/Hake site as a back up. It can take 10 years to get new water plans approved. Grants and loans will be researched to help plan for this.

CIP and Planning Committee

  • Nothing to discuss.

Old Business / Carryover Items

  • None

New Business / Discussion Items

  • None

Other Business

  • None.

What did we decide?

  • Voted to transfer $10K from Operations to System Replacement.
  • Agreed to have Todd continue providing monthly cash reconciliations reports but the “Financial Summary” (of Fund Activity) will shift to quarterly.
  • Voted to increase cubic foot water to $.025 starting in June.
  • Dave to have Ben Dahle add a paragraph to our Small Water System plan to do with computerization of system.
  • Voted to present 2023 budget to DWA.

Meeting ended: 11:30 am

Next Board meeting: May, 28, 2022 10:00 am