Booster pump station generator.
I meet Tacoma diesel last Sunday so they could replace the A.T.S control panel, It took about thirty minutes and he had it up and running and reprogramed. I am working with Tacoma diesel hoping that they will honor the warranty since it was so close to expiration.
Restructuring D.W.A’s daily operations.
Right now there are five employee’s, Patsy who does the morning routine takes a chlorine residual at the springs and one in distribution reads pump hours and logs the water level at the siloes (where we store our water for distribution) five days a week. Erin reads meters, Angie is the book keeper and my self general manager, water distribution manager and then there is a back-up operator (North West Waters) this is a requirement by the Department of Health. Because North West Waters is in Southworth I have been on the hunt for someone local that is certified and there is no one. So what I came up with is finding and hiring one person to fill all three rolls, I found that some one his name is Skylar Hornick He is currently a care giver and has construction back ground. Skylar is a smart well put together young man whom I believe will make a great addition to Dockton Water, Skylar will take over the first two rolls (Daily routine and meter reading) starting November first it will take a year to train and certify Skylar after that I can terminate North West Waters and make Skylar the back-up operator.
This position is part time and will stream line the operations here at D.W.A, when I need a hand with projects I will have someone already an employee that is familiar with our system that can help me. I am very excited about the change as well Skylar is excited about starting a new career, but in the same breath we are loosing two good employee’s that have been with us for a long time.
Patsy has been with Dockton Water for twenty-one years she started out reading meters and then later on took over the morning routine. Patsy has been a great employee/ co worker a great team player that you can always count on and the community loves here.
Erin has been with Dockton water for eleven years as our meter reader and as has been a great employee/co worker and team player whom you could count on and the community loves here as well.
I have been working for Dockton Water for seven years know, as I got to know the community anytime I interacted with some one and Patsy or Erin’s name would come up I would here nothing but good thing’s about either of them,. so from my self, Angie, the board members and the community thank you Patsy and thank you Erin!!!!
When you see Skylar please say hi to him and make him feel welcomed as he is a kind good mannered individual that I think you all will come to like and respect.
Board meeting.
Tomorrow is the monthly board meeting, remember to join go to our website on the home page scroll down to the invite link and click on that and you will be transported to where all the new and exciting things happen inside of Dockton Water. 10:00AM is the start time so please try to log on five minutes before so the president has time to let everyone in and start the meeting on time.
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