Financial Summary – September 2021

Financial Summary – September 2021

At 3 months, any “straightline” costs/income would be at 25% of annual budget. Based on this you can see that Income is a running a bit ahead at 30% (as expected with summer months). Staffing costs are inline. Business Ops a bit high (legal fees), System Ops a bit low (small water system plan project is not yet complete/billed), and Taxes are low (no Franchise Fee, yet…) If you open the detail Quickbooks .pdf reports, you’d see that IT and Office supply costs are a bit high in Business Ops. Spare Parts and Unscheduled costs are high in Systems Operations — mostly due to timing of one-off items.

In terms of balances, we have built up about a $34k surplus in Operations (that we’ll “spend down” during winter, low water usage months) and we’ve dug the hole in Capital Improvements a bit deeper (we’re negative $102k and we’re trying to get to “just” negative $68k, this year.) So, pressure is still on for rebuilding Cap Improvement fund — and this pressure will remain for a year, or two (as we only bring in $80k per year in Cap Charges and Reserve Base, less any investments.)

Detail Reports directly from Quickbooks (click on file name below)

Contact me with any questions/comments: Todd, 206-696-1216,