The meeting will be a hybrid format, both in person at the DWA building and online via Zoom. All shareholders are invited to attend.
Link Meeting ID 516 027 6420.
Call To Order: 10:08 AM
Welcome everyone present
Present/Quorum: Todd, Darton, Paul, Patrick, Dave, Sam, Susan
Consent Items:
Approve: Contents and order of this Agenda
Approve: Minutes of previous meeting.
Information Items:
Guest Speakers comments (if any): Guests (on Zoom) Penny & Bruce
Board Member comments (if any): None.
President’s Report:
- None
Manager/Operator Report:
- New software double charging people that have more than one account. In the process of figuring out the problem. People who have double bill will be credited on their account. Calling in tech support to help break the logic of double billing.
- Good Neighbor fund – five new customers donating. Two new people apply for good neighbor fund. Todd suggested that we could increase from $2/month to $3 or $4/month. Maybe send out in December mailing. New software is harder to go into and read things and donation system difficult with tech. Having people donate a lump sum is more work for Angie.
- Response back to give updated contact info has been great. 175 people responded back with update contact info.
- Water main break on 264th – 4 inch ac line crosses the line just before the corner and feeds hydrant at park. Water main broke underneath the road. They cut the main off, cut pipe, and moved meter up to side of the road. Pipe no longer going to fire hydrant, which means that fire hydrant is no longer in service. There’s a fire hydrant right around the corner that is working.
- Pt. Piner – have not heard back from the folks re: what the interest is in extending main down to the water. Seems to be low urgency for residence. Will send notification to residents once decision is made. If not needed right now, then money would be reallocated to Hake Rd project. Decision to made within a month.
- Drilled wells project down at the springs – DOH has thrown huge wrench in the project. Green light the whole time until submittal of application and they said our CT6 (our chlorine treatment) is not enough. DOH think the wells may not be suitable for the future because we are drilling in an area that is wet, there is surface water intrusion concern, and climate change weather patterns becoming more intense. Darton said they can address that if we’re drilling a new well in the future, not for our current drill project; we build to current code not future code. DWA is meeting all the guidelines, but DOH is trying to stall. DOH is wanting to see a bag filtration system. DOH said there is financial support via loans, grants, etc. Bruce agrees with Darton that the DOH cannot holdup our project for protentional future code enforcement. Suggested email/letter and cc representatives. Susan said we will resist on legal grounds. Patrick and Dave will work with Carrie on a draft to send to DOH. Patrick said we don’t cc legislators right away, maybe second or third letter, but not first. CC heads of departments, but only cc legislators when last resort as final escalation.
- Dave been working on double doors on DWA building. Maybe look at sheetrock as next project – needs to be redone in a portion of the building and tackle two windows to be replaced. Sheetrock contractor can come in and price it out. Lighting needs to be addressed.
Water Production Committee:
- None.
CIP Planning Committee:
- None.
Finance Committee:
- Budget into bookkeeping system. Operations budget at $1500 less than budget – shouldn’t be a problem.
- Number of accounts – double booking highlighted – capital charge and base charge doubled with weird double charging.
- Excess in revenue and no surprises in costs.
Community Outreach Committee:
- None.
Old Business / Carryover Items:
- Community use of DWA building – Todd suggested would we consider increasing our board member numbers and having a person dedicated to community use of DWA building. Darton suggests a natural evolution of a community spokesperson for the project and let it evolve over time. Susan suggests a separate non-profit being created. Maybe reach out to VYFS or someone on-island that organizes use of spaces. Paul suggests maybe working with Art Walk folks. Todd wants to make sure we don’t get distracted from focusing on water. Susan says we can take on the landlord role, but not the extra roles. Darton suggests we maintain ownership and retain approval/veto rights to usage of the space. Susan suggests the community organizing and outlining the work it would take to manage the space and then finding a management company to manage the space. No money budgeted for the building this year, so any improvements will have to come from somewhere else and may need to move to another budget year. Todd suggests there is a DWA building committee to focus on building usage.
- Todd made Motion to create committee for the next year concerning capital needs of DWA building. Darton second motion. Todd move that Susan head committee.
- Susan asked website – who does what. Todd does some things, Dave does some things, Sam can publish minutes. Currently using wordpress. Look for IT person to work on website.
New Business / Discussion Items:
- Website maintenance and effectiveness.
- What date for November/December meeting? Options included:
- Nov. 23 (fourth Saturday of Nov., before Thanksgiving weekend)
- Dec. 1
- Dec. 8
Other Business:
- None.
What Did We Decide?
- APRIL: Make sure all board members are getting agenda and notes.
- DARTON: Get drawing finished of DWA building.
- DAVE: Inform fire dept. that the fire hydrant on 264th is no longer hooked up to water. Get letter to DOH.
- PATRICK: Work with Dave on letter to DOH.
- PAUL: None.
- SAM: Meet up with Todd for website training. Reach out to folks about IT consulting.
- SUSAN: Reach out to folks about the use of DWA meeting and get in touch with insurance to see what our options are.
- TODD: Meet with Sam re: website training.
Meeting End: 11:53AM
Next Board Meeting: Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 @10AM
Board meetings are usually held on the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM. The November and December meetings are often combined into a single meeting in early December to avoid conflicts with holidays. Upcoming meeting dates are: September 28 and October 26.