Combined Minutes of the DWA Shareholders’ Annual Meeting & Monthly Board Meeting
Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, Vice President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), April (remote), Darton, Clint, Sam, Susan, Todd
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: N/A
Approve – Minutes of May meeting: N/A
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any):
- Concern re: lack of transparency and “hidden” increases to proposed 2024-2025 budget. The written explanation for the proposed rate and capital projects increases focused on inflation, but the percent of the increases is greater than the rate of inflation.
- Happy with and appreciate DWA website.
Board Member comments (if any): N/A
President’s Report (Darton)
- Small water system plan has been approved August 7th.
- Good progress on pre construction project for Sandy Shores PRV replacement and main improvements.
- Good progress on new wells at Dockton Springs.
- Progress on getting new meters for the members.
- Success of the Good Neighbor Fund.
- Disposition of the 268th property – DWA continues to talk with King County re: possible conservation easement, some public concerns about whether a parking lot will be installed, Dave will attempt to renew water rights from Dept of Ecology.
- Many thanks to Dave, Skyler and Angie.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- The water leak was a doozy, lost about 600k gallons of water. Community was great in helping resolve it. Silos stayed steady and we never dropped below 9 feet.
- New Skirting on the DWA building
- Sandy Shores PRV project – progressing
- Dockton Springs – We hope to drill three (3) new wells by next summer, then we can make the decision to drill more or not. With the new wells, we won’t be as susceptible to ground water intrusion.
- Guest question: With the predicted drought, is there an issue with water production? Dave says no.
Committee Reports:
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Dave covered in the operator report
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- Pt Piner project is next, and it is in service of providing access to new members. This is an expansion of the system. Preliminary engineering is on the way.
Finance Committee (Todd):
- We’re doing OK!
- Sold one new membership in 2023-2024.
- We had an influx from the state for the PRV project in other sources.
- Insurance was a bit higher.
- We’ve prepaid for the new billing system.
- New billing system should allow for eBilling and ePayments.
- Good Neighbor Fund (Susan)
- We continue to see good participation and good outcomes and are looking to expand the fund. 68 accounts contribute monthly.
New Business / Discussion Items
- DWA building preservation and rejuvenation efforts.
- Ballot results:
- Election of new/renewing board members: all candidates approved: April Wilkinson, Susan Boyle, Patrick Hinds, Sam Wildfong
- 2024-2025 budget: approved
- Bylaw change: approved
- Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Adjourned
- Monthly Board Meeting called to order (Darton).
- Welcome Patrick! Farewell Clint!
- Election of Officers: April (President), Darton (Vice President), Sam (Secretary), Todd (Treasurer)
Other Business
- N/A
What did we decide?
- April: N/A
- Clint: N/A
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: N/A
- Paul: N/A
- Susan: N/A
- Sam: N/A
- Todd: N/A