Call to Order:
Welcome: April, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint, Susan, Sam, Darton
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of March meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (April)
- Dave will send examples to Todd and Clint of the candidate statement and budget report, Items due on the 2nd of May
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- New wells at the springs – Ecology request is going to go through! Doug Wood from Ecology had questions about the permit extension. This permit will include those 5 wells.
- We are ok to proceed. They’ve extended it to 2030. Dept of Ecology’s preference is to get away from the shallow wells and drill larger wells.
- PRV project – It is proceeding well. DOH wanted something from King County allowing us to work in the right of way. Dave provided our franchise agreement to support it, but he DOH still had issues and wanted something from King County. Dave contacted road services and explained what we are doing, and she the county is going to start sending our letters about a new format for the franchise fee.
- The county did confirm that we would retain legal counsel. We confirmed we would.
- Todd – We have been approved for a loan for the state with the Drinking Water Relief Fund for the PRV project. Costs seem to be in range. It appears the pre-construction loan is for zero interest.
- Dave completed annual performance reviews. Employees are meeting and exceeding expectations.
- Dave was approached by residents of Pt. Piner to see if we would be able to extend DWA services to them, based on the performance of their existing class B system. The question asked was whether the could help fund our Pt. Piner project so they could attach into our system. Dave told them to attend a meeting and we can discuss. This creates an opportunity for 4 new shares as 2 of the residents already have shares.
- New billing software – El Dorado – it’s very similar to the one we have now, but they’re less than half the price. They would provide us the ability to have online bill pay, members would cover the merchant fees. We have a bid good until May 11. We’ll have to get credit card approval which takes a month. Current software contract is up in October.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Q3 report – We are in line with budget and fund balances are healthy and where we would expect them to be. 6 year financial plan is helpful to know how our current plan is impacting results. The plan is built on the presumption that we increase the base rate to $40. Capital charge of $20. Replacement costs are just going to keep going up. Estimated average bill will be about $80. Meters are contributing to the increase in some of the capital charge.
- Budget – Has changed somewhat in a positive way – billing system is down, biz ops are down, insurance is up. System replacement fund will stay flat throughout 2024/2025. Capital Improvements should see a healthy increase in 2024/2025. Meter upgrade program would be a capital improvement project. Contingency fund is unchanged.
- With a reduction of the cost of the meter program to $35k and capital fee of $22, motion was made by Paul to approve, Darton Seconded, the motion passed. Todd made a motion to approve the budget, Darton seconded, the board approved.
- New billing system
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Nothing to report
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- Nothing to report
Old Business / Carryover Items
- We need to be clear with the members about the disposition of the 268th property
New Business / Discussion Items
- Todd asked: Can we increase the good neighbor fund?
Other Business
- N/A
What did we decide?
- April: Send candidate statement to Clint
- Clint: Prepare candidate statements for Dave
- Darton: N/A
- Dave: Will move forward with the new billing program, talk to DOH about getting more shares for DWA
- Paul: N/A
- Susan: N/A
- Sam: N/A Todd: Final budget to Dave by 5/2 for inclusion in May Bills
I think that the good neighbor fund should not be increased. The manager’s priority should be on our water system rather than choosing properties needing assistance. I think King Co and State have other programs …..have they applied?
How many properties are helped at the present amount. What is the usage total for each. ….is it within “normal” range?
…….Also my opinion is that renters should pay for usage , not owners of the properties when renters move out.
Thanks. .