Call to Order:
Welcome: April, President
Present/Quorum: Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint, Sam, Darton
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved.
Approve – Minutes of September meeting: Approved with a note to change the reference to Mt. Baker. Compliance hatches are $2,500 apiece and will be met when Mt Baker comes out to do the inspections
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any):
Sheila: is suggesting changing property lines, she has 4 parcels she is planning to sell, the plan was to create 2 parcels from the 4, the real estate attorney, non-buildable, can change the shape of the lots If a buyer wanted to bring water in from 94th down to the top of their property, what would it cost? To serve 1 or 2 lots? The path in the SWSP… Certificate of water availability
UTRC she was approved for rain water, then purchased an abutting property that provided a well and 100′ sanitary distance. 150 ft deep well.
Sheila needs a written statement what it would require to do that – CWA and a cost estimate
CIP committee to meet and address Sheila’s concerns
Bruce had no new issues.
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (April)
- N/A
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- Had a water leak at Patino’s place, 319, upper Sandy Shores, there are few valves to stop water flow,
- Nothing on Dave’s punch list from the sanitary survey
- Water meters – Census 2 is getting out of the business of direct read and moving to remote read meters. Zenner Meter’s 5/8 meter is still a direct read, but you can attach an electrical device and turn it into a remote read meter.
- iPEARL smart water meter is what is being suggested to replace by Consolidated. These are $123 apiece. Ferguson is charging $82 for the same meter.
- Zenner meters are $56. Local rep, manufactured in Germany. We should get some samples and test out the new meters. Susan suggested getting a reference before we agree to use these
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Price increases are resulting in increased revenue YOY
- Staffing costs are inline with budget
- BUsiness costs exceed prior year – Insurance was billed and paid in September, which is a timing issue
- The qurater went very well, no suprises and Dave is doing a great job controlling costs
- Billing adjustments (leak credits, misread meter, late fee, etc) are now setup to be more visible due to new visibility on the Good Neighbor fund.
- Todd made a motion to apply for a construction loan for Sandy Shores PRV relocation and new main, we’ve estimated $375k. QUestion re: should we borrow $375k or $400k? Contingencies are an issue.
- We do not need to use it all immediately, if costs go up, we have the option and flexibility to either use capital or the loan funds.
- If we pay interest, it will be on incremental, similar to a line of credit.
- Pre-construction loan ($100K) already borrowed and received
- Motion was board approved at the $400k level
- Recurring monthly transfers ($7,500/month) from checking (0% interest) to money market (3.15% interest); ~$200/month interest for each $7,500 transferred.
- Operating account at US BANK, we moved $100k from checking to Kitsap savings account then converted it to an MMF, we’ll continue to move funds into those accounts going forward to increase interest income
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Dave covered most issues
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- We will add new silo to the CIP and will look at Sheila’s ask and provide info back to the board re: estimate to extend and estimate to connect
Old Business / Carryover Items
- N/A.
New Business / Discussion Items
- N/A
Other Business
- N/A
What did we decide?
- April: N/A
- Clint: N/A
- Darton: Add Silo $300k to CIP and start document for Sheila
- Dave: Vet out new meters
- Paul: N/A
- Susan: N/A
- Sam: N/A
- Todd: N/A