Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Susan, Dave (Manager), Paul, April, Todd, Clint, Darton, Sam
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approve – Minutes of September meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (Darton)
- None
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- Updated the Countdown to Annual Meeting task sheet to reflect who will be doing what over the next several months.
- Frank completed the contact basin, capped it off. The tree next to the basin is in process as far as taking it down.
- Fire flow testing with Ben Dahle went very well, new tool was very helpful.
- Paul and Dave drafted letter to Dept of Ecology to extend construction process for news wells at the springs.Hope to hear something bag soon.
- Paul and Dave had meeting with G&O two weeks prior, re: the five new wells. Chances seem good the King County Parks will approve this. Dave hopes to have a cost estimate by the end of February for drilling the wells. Engineering costs will need to be considered, too.
- Dave proposed a 5-8.7% COLA increase for the staff. Operator/manager comp is up to an executive committee and other staff increases will be resolved when the budget is approved.
- Susan found doors for the building. Dave will reimburse her.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- DWA applied for a loan for the pre-construction for the PRV through the state. DWA was approved for a $100,000 loan at 0%. Clint motioned, Todd Seconded and the board approved the Loan Resolution.
- The finance committee met and agreed to the following:
- DWA charges a membership fee and provides a share of water when the fee is paid. Membership fees, not “price of a share”, are what we consider for members.
- Effective 7/1/23, the membership fee goes to $15,000 and on 7/1/26 the membership fee goes to $20,000.
- The reimbursement of the membership fee (buyback price) is $10,000.
- The board discussed the option of financing or allowing payments for new members.
- Todd made the following motions:
- The price of membership goes to $15,000 on 7/1/2023
- Reimbursement of membership fees is $10,000
- An Amendment to the bylaws for these changes
- An amendment to Board Policies 3.1 re: full and reserve memberships and reimbursement pricing and the waiting list policy to adjust share price to membership fee.
- Darton seconded and the board approved.
- Quarterly financials were published and we are where we want to be, some costs are high but represent payment in the first half of the year. Susan had questions re: shopping insurance carriers through our agent.
- Susan has been looking into solar panels for non-profits and utilities in remote locations. She is checking with PSE if we can apply this to our account.
- Todd suggested the board keep rate changes on their collective radar. This starts with the forecast. Todd also showed the board 3 options for what a rate change could look like with no change, smaller change and a larger change to the rate structure. Budget should be available in February.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Paul noted that water production was discussed during Dave’s portion of the meeting.
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- Darton will get the CIP items out in time for February meeting.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- None
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
What did we decide?
- Paul and Dave letter to DoE re: permitting
- Salary discussions added to the budget
- Clint’s motion to approve the loan was approved.
- Todd’s 4-part motion seconded and approved.
- Clint to update BoD policies.
Meeting end: 12:00 AM
Next Board meeting: Saturday, February 25, 2023
I was thinking that after discussing 2025 or 2026 for the Membership Fee bump to $20k, that we had settled on July 1, 2026. But I’m not sure… ??