DRAFT Board Meeting Minutes-October 22, 2022
Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Susan, Dave(Manager), Sam, Paul, Clint, April, Darton
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approve – Minutes of September meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report (Darton)
- None
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- The Dockton Springs: Alders hanging over the springs could fall and damage our wellpoints. We removed them years ago and King County code enforcement had DWA plant 48 Western Red Cedar trees as part of remediation. After multiple calls and letters, King County code enforcement has got in touch. Dave has reach out to them and sent pictures of the trees, but stickers and scotch broom are growing over them. Dave is attempting to close out the case.
- Dave received a letter from the Ecology Department at King County about the 5 wells at the spring. About new spring boxes or drilling new wells. We have until Nov 5 to respond to the letter.
- Skylar has applied for his WDM1 certification test. As soon as he gets that, he can take the test. His 1-year anniversary is coming up and after he passes the test, he will be the backup operator.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Darton):
- Hot, dry October lead to increased usage and income.
- Discussion re: 6 Year Plan, loans and grants, State Drinking Water revolving fund, April has experience applying for grants, fund raising, sale of assets with easement retention, rate increases to address improvements and enhancements to avoid large scale failures of the system. DWA intends to remain independent, not part of a larger System Management Company.
- Bruce asked how we prioritize projects that benefit some vs all members. Can DWA make an additional assessment for some improvements/additions?
- Darton: Financial system needs to be looked over to discuss rates and needs for the 6 year plan. Community outreach will be important.
- Sam: We need to look at the rate structure and slower increases are preferable, April will look into grants, Todd is working on loans and the potential for additional funding from members who would like to provide to DWA
- Susan requested a less technical description of the projects that focuses on obligations and benefits, prior to burdening DWA with funding concerns.
- The board did not vote to attach the 6 year plan to the SWSP. The increased rates and leverage ratios caused the hesitation to formally approve and attach.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Resolve the springboxes, as discussed during Dave’s report.
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- None
Old Business / Carryover Items
- April reviewed and updated Dave’s job description and his scope of work (SOW). Adjusted due to staffing changes, changes in SOW for titles, well inspections on the weekends, backup planning, generators are self-exercising. Some items changed to Bi-Annually, Sandy Shores exists. Grounds maintenance section adjusted.
- April made a motion to approve the manger/operator job description and the scope of work. It was seconded and approved.
New Business / Discussion Items
- Sam provided a draft of the informational flyer Dave and Sam put together to send out to the members. Will be sent out with the October billings.
Other Business
What did we decide?
- The manger/operator job description and the scope of work were voted and approved
- Sam will provide the draft of the flyer to Dave to send with October billings
- Discussion re: 6-year plan will continue in the next couple of months
- Dave will look into the trees
- Dave will continue to reach out to code enforcement
- Susan will keep looking for doors
Meeting end: 11:29 AM
Next Board meeting: Saturday, December 3, 2022
*Board Meeting has been moved from the fourth Saturday of the month due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and no December Board Meeting. See September Board Meeting Minutes.