Call To Order: 10:00 Am
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, Susan, Paul, Clint, Todd, April, Sam, Dave (Manager)
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approved? – Minutes of the July meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments {if any): None
Board Member: None
President’s Report (Darton): Items will be covered in New Business
Manager/Operator Report (Dave):
• Skyler will have to reschedule to retake his WDMl test.
• Paul and Dave have been painting the DWA Building
• Roofers will be in next week, then new gutters after that.
• Some minor water leaks and working on replacing old meters.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd)
• Monthly financial update
o New roof and unscheduled maintenance drive a minor loss in July
o We are working through the application process for two state
revolving fund loans.
o Summerhurst Extension and lower Sandy Shores PRV
o Cost structures have changed, and the board should recognize that
o Grants? Not likely given DWA’s structure
• Todd made a motion to apply for the pre-construction loans at the State Drinking Water Revolving Fund up to a maximum of $100,000, for the
current fiscal year. Susan seconded. The motion passed.
• There may be a future need to increase the capital charge or the price of a share.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
• Status quo.
• We are renegotiating the easement agreement with the county
• Then we can start the conversation about the shares with the parks
CIP And Planning Committee
• Ben submitted the SWSP
• April asked about the silos and the plan to replace and where the priority is for these. Seismic event could be catastrophic.
Old Business / Carryover Items
268th Parcel, east of 99th April will investigate what is required to transfer –
the property to the prior owners.
New Business / Discussion Items
Performance Review for Dave -Darton made a motion to create an executive committee, it was seconded and approved. Darton, Todd, April and Paul are on the committee.
• Dead Tree on 268th – Marcia Horswill informed the president of a dead tree that might be a risk of falling and could take out power lines. Dave will check it out.
• Payment Inquiry – Heather Graham (update direct payment procedure)
o She works for DOXO and could reduce payment processing time.
o If we reduce postage or save costs, could be prudent. We do have
billing software so integration and implementation will be complicated.
• Vote on appointment of new CPA firm for DWA. Barnett Cole exited island CPA firm. Todd reached out to 2 island firms. Chris Hunt was selected for
consideration to prepare 990 and provide other accounting advisory
services. Todd made a motion to engage Chris Hunt as DWA’s CPA for IRS
filings and accounting services, Darton seconded, the board approved.
• Paul noted we need to get a new set of double doors for the DWA building. Dave to send out the door size.
• Susan noted solar could be a cost saving on energy costs when we start the roofing project.
Other Business
What Did We Decide?
• Motion to apply for construction loan, seconded and approved.
• Motion to sell the 268th property, seconded and approved
• Motion to establish Executive Committee for employee review, seconded and approved
• Motion to engage Chris Hunt as CPA, seconded and approved.
Next Board Meeting: September 24, 202210:00 AM
Who is being considered for a CPAfirm?
(We have a cpa from island who has not responded to us) ….I hope it isnt the same one. Very frustrating. (His CPA firm name name is still posted on the building.)
I just hired someone else to do last year’s taxes after MANY emails,phone calls etc.
We have reached out to two firms operating on the island. We have a proposal from Chris Hunt, CPA.
For many years we worked with Jeff Cole at Cole, Barnett — but their client service has dropped off (to say the least.)