Leaving town,

I am leaving town to Montana tomorrow morning (Friday) and will be back in the office next Tuesday morning Skylar our operator in training will be in charge till then he has gained a lot of knowledge of the system I have armed him with all the appropriate contacts in case there is an emergency plus I will be available by phone. You are in good hands!


Skylar and I have been getting ready for summer water production, cleaning well points (That gives us more G.P.M out of the springs) this prosses is a through time consuming prosses.

The springs our primary water source before the Sandy Shores well project was completed is located across the street from the park and consist of 26 hand driven well points that are between 10 and 12 feet deep that collectively after cleaning produce about 85 gallons per minute, before cleaning they produce about 65 G.P.M.

These well points work on gravity (It’s like siphoning gas) all the wellpoints are feed to what we call the head work’s (Thats where all the well points feed their water to via black Polly line/plastic water line) and from there the water gets treated with chlorine as it goes into the contact chamber where the water flows through and is allowed a set determined amount of time the chlorine is allowed to be in contact with the water before it is pumped to distribution.

To clean a well point you break the siphon disconnect the Polly line from the head works and the well point take the top of the well point off dump cl (chlorine) into the well point I have a bristle brush attached to a fiberglass rod that fits snug in the well point and I can extend all the way to the bottom of the well point thoroughly cleaning it, I then take the top of the well point down to the head works where I clean it and the parts from the head works in a cl water solution. I then make a pig (a wadded-up paper towel) that fits snug inside of the Polly line dumping cl inside the line first and then hook up a hose to the Polly line and turn it on the water pushes the pig through the line sweeping it clean as the cl disinfects. Once that prosses is Compleat I put all the parts I cleaned back together hook the Polly line back up to the well point and disconnect the hose at the other end the water in the Polly line gets the siphon started and the well point is back up and running.

After the well point has run disconnected from the head works for about twenty to thirty minutes its ready to hook back up to the head works. as of late Skylar and I have cleaned half of the well points.


Don’t forget Saturday June 25, 2022, is the annual meeting at 10:00 AM via zoom to join go to our website and on the home page you will find the link click on that and you will be transported to the wonderful world of Dockton water please join 10 minutes early so the president (Darton) has plenty of time to get everyone in and start the meeting on time and if you haven’t turned in your ballot yet you still have time we have a drop box in front of the office you can leave your ballot there remind your friends and neighbors as well, your vote counts! we have 4 board positions to fill and a budget to approve we can’t do it without your votes. You have until 10:00am Saturday June 25,2022 I will be in the office collecting last minute ballots.


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