Call to Order: 10:10 am
Welcome: Darton
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, Todd, Clint, Morris, Gini, Sam, Dave (Manager). Guests: April Wilkinson, Susan Boyle, Bruce/Penny
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approved? – Minutes of April meeting: Approved.
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member : None
President’s Report (Darton):
- Darton has nothing new to report.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave):
- Skylar is continuing to do great. He was supposed to take the first of his certification tests last month but had to reschedule because he got Covid. His second certification will happen in June.
- We implemented a cross connection plan/policy approximately 3 years ago and Dave has been working on getting more properties connected with double check valves that need them. 4 new properties have recently been set up. Property owners are responsible for the expense of instillation and maintenance.
- 63 ballots have been returned so far. Gini and Dave will meet on the Friday before the Annual meeting to tally ballots turned in up to that point so Saturday morning isn’t so stressful.
- The server panel at booster pump will need to be replaced soon. Dave had decided to wait until he can use the services of D and D (they are in the middle of hiring a new lead electrician) or Vashon Electric.
- Ben Dahle has sent the Small Water District Plan to us. Dave will send it to Bruce for a review for his opinion. Now we stand at 95% finished with this.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- As agreed, Todd will not present a Financial Summary monthly, but instead provide a quarterly review in January, April, July, and October.
- As it stands now, our operations costs are low for April so our cash flow situation is good. We are operating consistent with our forecast. Our cash reconciliation is normal.
- As voted on last month, we have more in our Operations fund than necessary and will move $10K to System replacement funds. We may actually have another $10K available to use elsewhere and we will need to discuss further what to do with it.
- Our accounts receivable balance has improved markedly. It had been hovering over $9K and now has dropped to not much over $2,500.
- Dave, Angie and Todd met over the last month to discuss changing our CPA.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Nothing to discuss.
CIP and Planning Committee
- Nothing to discuss.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- None
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
- Bruce asked for clarification regarding the plans for 268th/Hake Springs that was in last month’s minutes. Dave described the current situation with that well: inactive over 10 years due to dangerous quality of water and the well’s surface level draw. No longer permitted. We want to find out what we can do with the property as far as water production. Maybe get permits for deeper wells. This can take up to 10 years. Ecology has a form that we can fill out and then Ecology will come out and check out the property with us to review options. We think it is important to set this up now because the Dockton Springs water source is somewhat precarious being surface wells. With sea level rise we might have issues. Bruce would like to be involved and considers the 268th/Hake property a very good possible back up source of water.
What did we decide?
- Dave and Gini to meet the Friday before the next board meeting to count ballots.