Meeting at 10AM via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Invite Link Meeting ID 516 027 6420.
Call to Order:
Consent Items
Approve – Contents and order of this Agenda:
Approve – Minutes of April meeting:
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any):
Board Member comments (if any):
President’s Report (Darton)
- Count down to Annual Meeting
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Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Monthly Financial Report
- Quarterly Financial Reporting to the Board
Water Production Committee (Paul):
CIP and Planning Committee (Darton)
- 2022/2023 CIP Recommendation Budget
- 2022/2023 CIP System Map
Old Business / Carryover Items
New Business / Discussion Items
Other Business
What did we decide?
- SAM:
Next Board meeting: Saturday, June 25, 2022 (Annual Meeting)