Call To Order: 10:00 Am
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, Paul, Clint, Gini, Morris, Dave (Manager).
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approved? – Minutes of November meeting: Approved.
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member : None
President’s Report (Darton):
- Feedback on the question about easement has been great, we will continue to collect comments for the time being, no decision to be made any time soon. Votes appear to be very even.
- Small Water System plan is not in place – core component to be legitimate receiver of grants – Would like to have Ben Dahle’s report before the annual meeting
- We should go after any available grants
Manager/Operator Report (Dave):
- Count down to Annual Meeting – We’re ahead of the curve, Gini has the call for candidates, Dave and Darton to go over CIP, Grey and Osborne has been out to site walk the projects, both the 94th street to Point Piner and Lower Sandy Shores – They are to provide enough info to impact whether we do one or both projects.
- Main break at lower Sandy Shores again. G&O to provide cost estimate and feasibility.
- Sandy Shore’s plant was taken offline at beginning of December to conserve chlorine. Back online two weeks ago.
- Skylar continues to perform tasks well, picked up meter reading routes quickly
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Please refer to the Financial Summary for December 2021 on the website.
- 50% is a guideline for where numbers should be.
- Staffing costs are up and reflect restructuring.
- Operations at 92%, but most large items are paid up.
- Number of meters installed increased capital improvement income and costs
- Added Long term debt section to summary page
- Rate Review Committee to consist of Todd, Darton, Paul, Clint
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Fencing around the Dockton Springs to continue to protect the area
- Decommission Hake Springs
- Additional Water Storage – longer term project – need to focus on. Doing well on redundant water production
- Will allow for better fire fighting
- Existing tanks are not earthquake-proof
CIP And Planning Committee
- Dave and Darton to go over proposals and come up with 5 year update CIP recommendations
Old Business / Carryover Items
New Business / Discussion Items
- Franchise fee agreement – We have taken our attorney’s recommendations, we will not appeal and the next step is negotiations
- Create the credit for fire suppression to offset potential payment
- Board member vacancy – Sam to replace Matt for the remainder of his term
Public Comments
Phil: Larsen is going to get his permit from the DNR to gain access off Hake Road. He may not need easement and the board should check to see if it is still needed. He will need King County permission to connect to Hake Road
Barry: Expressed concerns about development on those parcels.
Darton and Clint discussed how to value and who pays for consulting assessments. Dave confirms we have 20 GPM rights for the property now. Dave can call DOH and get more info about what we can do with the property. Paul- decommissioning current buildings is separate from any value assessment. Sam expressed concerns about whether we were premature with the questions.
April: Asked how we are to decide on feedback. Simple majority? Darton- it’s for the board to decide. It might come to a board vote. More feedback is in order.
Richard: Building is not on Hake, is on 268th. Why not renovate vs decommission the existing buildings. Dave says the water source will not be tapped again. Deep well would still not use that contact basin. Buildings are a liability. Richard – short sighted not to repair. Dave- if we develop, new buildings will be built. Prone to surface water intrusion, needs more time in contact with Chlorine. Are the comments public? The board did not give consent to post publicly.
Paul : Ask Todd if easement is still necessary and if not, why still pursue?
April: Comments can be categorized and illustrative examples. Important to have a plan for the property with long term strategy. Darton- Comments will continue to come in, will review in February Todd – comments are so useful and many votes are conditional, funding a study has been a concern for years
Bruce: Small water plan would help provide grant funding and could benefit the study. Essential that the board picks who does the valuation. Dave- Going through DOH is going to give us a great baseline. Clint ask if it costs anything. Dave confirms is does not. Paul – they have weighed in multiple times.
New Business / Discussion Items
Clint asked about Goals/Vison/Mission Statement. Paul confirmed the Mission Statement of DWA is to “Provide safe, abundant, reliable and affordable drinking water to all properties in our service area.” Goals would be valuable and could be added to the CIP Committee. Can be further discussed in future meetings.
Other Business
A member made a comment about the fencing around the Sandy Shores Filtration area, and how it is aesthetically unpleasing.
Darton made motion to retain barb wire. Paul seconded. 5 ayes, 1 abstain. Motion passed.
What Did We Decide?
- Continue to keep comments and votes open at least until the next meeting
- Board to have close meeting to decide how to disclose comments/votes
- Todd, Darton, Paul, to discuss rate setting
- Need to reach out to Sam and discuss joining the board until the next election cycle
- First draft of budget by the next meeting
- Proposals for the two jobs that G&O are looking at, both cost and feasibility
- Dave to send an email to Larsen re: easement
- Dave to reach out to DOH assessing Hake Springs
Meeting End: 11:32 AM