Financial Summary – October 2021

Financial Summary – October 2021

We’re looking like a nice, boring water company (utility), again! Although some items are high or low based on a straight-line 33% of the annual budget (for 4 months) we know what’s behind these variations. For income, we are still a bit ahead due to summer billing and the rate change. This month, for example, we billed $1600 more in Usage Fee than last year. Business Ops is way ahead on budget (already 70%), primarily due to paying the biggest single cost — insurance, this month. However, we need to anticipate that we will be going over budget for Biz Ops as the remaining $9000 will not cover our running costs for the next 8 months.

System Operations is in line for the year, despite some Unscheduled Repair Costs for a leak in October. We have unspent budget for the Small System Plan that’s not yet completed and billed. We still are not spending budgeted money in System Replacements and Capital Improvement — though bills will be coming in, soon, for the new fencing.

We ended the month with $292k in the bank ($280k when all checks come through). It will be good to see our total funds over $300k in the next month or two.

Detail Reports directly from Quickbooks (click on file name below)

Contact me with any questions/comments: Todd, 206-696-1216,