Financial Summary – August 2021

Financial Summary – August 2021

No big news in the numbers, this past month. We are “running positive” (as expected during the summer months) as our total Fund Balance (see top of column at right) has increased from $278k to $293k. This is good, as we’ll “burn cash” through the winter. In Operations, you’ll see that Income is greater than last year. We actually billed less water usage, so this increase is due to the slight increase to $.2/cf and the increase in the reserved account base that is paid into Operations. Business Ops higher costs are due to legal fees for the Franchise Fee fight, which is just about over. Systems Ops is higher than last year due to an unscheduled maintenance cost of slightly more than $3k.

Detail Reports directly from Quickbooks (click on file name below)

Contact me with any questions/comments: Todd, 206-696-1216,