Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, Todd, Matt, Morris, Gini, Paul, Dave (Manager). Guest: Armen Yousoufian, Robert John, Unnamed person
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member : None
President’s Report :
- Darton began the annual board meeting.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave):
- Super hot but we are not short of water. We are pumping more than normal and there is the chlorine shortage to be aware of. We are asking for members to conserve usage mostly for this reason. We should have enough chlorine to get through August but there is a bit of a question because the new Sandy Shores Filtration system is using more than the old. Dave will be getting in touch with our supplier next week to see whether we can get more chlorine.
- The Sandy Shores Filtration plant is a great facility. There were a couple of little things that needed to be tweaked as in any new system but it is going to be very helpful in automating chlorine, ph, and turbidity monitoring.
- A question was asked regarding using the manual system due to the chlorine filter part that had been an issue. Dave said it isn’t going to be a problem; he was able to connect using a different size tubing for the chlorine feed so it is functioning on its own.
- Dockton has made great strides in improving its water system. This year we have hired Ben Dahle and his company to update our Small Water System plan which will allow us to apply for grant money that will likely become available as the Federal funds become available to States. Once DOH gets this updated plan and approves it we can start applying for grants. We have also been updating an old Asset Management form that will allow us to look even better to the governmental groups distributing funds.
- Dave says that the new generator that has been installed up 99th Ave has been doing exactly what it was installed for. In the past when power went out in Dockton the water pressure at the end of 99th Ave would fall below the DOH required minimum. This has not happened since this new generator was installed.
- The DWA office building is looking better and better! Dave has gone through all our old files and sorted items of importance and moved them to box storage facilities in the store room. He has also gone through all the replacement materials we had and gotten rid of items containing lead which is no longer allowed to be used in the system. We are planning to make small improvements to the building this coming year including gutter replacements and facia.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Todd described to the members how to use the website to access the financial documents.
- He described the KC lawsuit which is moving along and the position of DWA and all the other small water systems who collectively are involved. He described how we are keeping money in our accounts in case we need to pay KC once the suit is settled. Darton mentioned that people in the community should be made aware of this suit and that KC is trying to tax us for this access.
- Todd outlined that we had budgeted $221K as income but after looking at costs we will forecast $225k. He said it is essential we continue to transfer money to our system replacement fund. Historically we transfer $50K but this last year reduced it to $30K because we had sizable expenditures due to the Sandy Shores project. We also did not want to institute a rate change in the middle of covid to cover increased costs. We plan to keep it at $30K this year as well to try to top off our other funds.
- Because our revenue won’t cover what we project this year we need a rate increase. $22K +/- of revenue increase will cover this increase. Staffing and business operations are the primary increases. Raises, legal fees, utilities.
- The System Operations Fund is going from $42K TO $52K. The $10K increase is for more equipment in the new systems. Electricity, chlorine, chemicals have increase. Taxes have also gone up a bit.
- At the end of the year there should be approximately $20K left. We can then do more system replacement or early loan repayment next year.
- System Replacement gets $30K from the Operations Fund.
- Capital Improvement Fund is in the negative now so we are borrowing from the other funds to cover needs. Our base fees and reserve shares pay into this account. At the moment our loan servicing cost is $50K up from $30K previously (due to Filtration project). We are budgeting for fencing around the Sandy Springs building this year. We are not planning other projects unless we can get grants.
- Contingency Fund is basically an emergency fund. Ours is a pretty generous fund at $104K. This includes $31K that will be returned to the Federal Government because we did not need it for an emergency disaster loan.
- The total amount in our funds is $254K which is lower that historically but this is due to building our new asset. The filtration system!
- Darton said that this Sandy Shores Capital Improvement is a huge success. He spoke of the help given towards this end of several past board members and that we were going to dedicate the building to one of them with a bench at the DWA building and a plaque.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Paul asked Dave if with all this heat he had gotten any calls about failures in the system anywhere. Dave says he has not gotten any calls, no chlorine taste like in the old days when we would switch to pulling water from Sandy Shores. Paul noted that we will not need to install an air scrubber like we had thought we might.
- Paul thinks that next year, when we can fund it, we will need to deal with the water tower. We will also need to address the well points down in Dockton Springs. He is working with DOH on this issue at present.
CIP and Planning Committee
- None since we are going to rebuild our funds first.
Old Business / Carryover Items
- None.
New Business / Discussion Items
- Gini presented the vote tally from the ballot sent to DWA members. For the vacant board seats Todd received 73, Darton 76, Sam 26, and Paul 71. On the changes to the By-laws there were 79 in favor and 6 opposed. On the Budget there were 80 in favor and 5 opposed. 8 vote forms were received which were not counted. One was turned in after the start of the meeting, two were illegible and five had no account numbers listed nor names or legible names.
Other Business
- None
What did we decide?
- Dave will send out info on the Sandy Shores plant dedication with the July bill.
Paul, you are truly an asset to DWA, but know you have publicly said you wouldn’t run if there was another member who had a desire to be on the board (yet you were on the ballot). Does your stance still stand true? Will Sam be on the Board member?