Sandy Shores well.

The long awaited Sandy shores well Filtration project is finally getting under way, the contracts are signed we had our preconstruction meeting this morning with the engineer that designed and is IN charge of the project (Gray&Osborne) the contractor (Pacific Crest Construction) four board members Darton Riley Gibbons (the president) Paul Witherspoon, Clint Douthit, Matt Langley and my self. October 19th Pacific Crest and surveyors’ will show up and start work, the surveyors will stake out the building site and sediment pond, the contractors will be mobilizing bringing in equipment and because they will be working four tens and are from off island they will be staying in travel trailers on site that are self contained during the week and going home for the weekend.

This project will take about 120 working days to operational completion, Paul and myself will be looking in and answering questions as primary eyes on the project and the engineer from Gray&Osboren Warren Perkins will be out for site visits and IN charge of all documentation, change orders if any progress reports and payment authorization of completed work progress then presented to the board for final approval submitting all the documentation for Department Of Health approval and ok to put into service and as built drawing’s, these are drawing of the facility as it is built.

The Sandy Shores well is high in Iron, manganese and sulfur (rotten egg smell) this is not a human health concern but it is astatically displeasing Iron turns stuff red and manganese turns thigs black and we know what the sulfur is like. Because of this we only use this water source in the summer during hi water use when the springs can’t keep up once this project is complete we will be able to use the Sandy Shores well all year around alleviating the burden on the Springs, they will work IN conjunction with each other.

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The contractors will be adhering to all safety protocols including Covid-19 guide lines, if anybody has questions about the project PLEASE do not CONFRONT the CONTRACTORS contact myself Dave Stoltz 206-769-7415 or Paul Witherspoon 206-290-1644. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

Water Quality Testing.

This week I turned in the last compliance water Quality sample for the year, nitrate sample for the Springs and of course I did the monthly routine water sample at the same time. The new Water Quality Monitoring Schedule will come out in February next year.