Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, Todd, Clint, Matt, Gini, Paul, Morris , Dave (Manager). Guest: Sheila Doane
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approved? – Minutes of August meeting: Approved
Approved? – Minutes of Special Mid-August meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): Gini mentioned the new board members still need to get a walk through the Dockton Water System. Dave will arrange this.
President’s Report —
- Darton has approved the financing of the Sandy Shores project. The loan has been signed by Kitsap Bank. Todd has put a check into the account.
- The Sandy Shores project is out for contract signing at this time and the insurance is set up and now we are just waiting for the contract document so Darton can sign it. A pre-construction meeting will be set up once this happens.
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- Things have been pretty quiet this month except for a couple of water leaks.
- Dave will set up a meeting with Frank Zellerhof Jr. to work on replacing the first pump at the Dockton Springs. He hopes it will be able to be replaced in October.
- Ben sent a voice mail saying he has reached out to DOH to set up a meeting to update the small water district plan. Will set this meeting up as soon as possible.
- Dave said that Paul has an email out to Duncan to see what is up with the encroachment issue at Dockton Springs. A zoom meeting will be scheduled on this topic.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Our finances are generally on target.
- Money has been transferred to Kitsap Bank to set up the Checking and Savings accounts. $150K has been put into the money market savings account as the required collateral for the loan for Sandy Springs project. We can add more money to these accounts if we like.
- Todd has set up the Funds Flow report to show the comparison between this years moneys compared to last years. This is a useful way to quickly see if there is any place that might be questionable regarding fund flows. One needs to take into account that the balances won’t be the same between the years because money comes in and goes out between different months sometimes and there will be different projects in the works from one year to the next.
- We are transferring $2500 monthly this year to the Systems Replacement fund because we have budgeted $30K this year.
- We have $624K on the books. Our actual bank account balance is $636K. The gap is made up of outstanding checks.
- Clint asked how staffing payroll was paid. Todd said it is paid once a month.
- Todd explained that if you bring up the Funds Flow form on our website you can click at sections to open up a more detailed page.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- Paul plans to arrange a water production meeting this month to bring board members up to speed on what is happening on the well points. He will write up a report that will be published on the website so Dockton Water District members can see what is happening at this time.
- Darton asked Paul if Warren had budgeted for a construction administrator to oversee the project. Paul said yes this manager was budgeted for.
- Paul says that once the Sandy Shores project is finalized we will need to have a dedication ceremony. He will set this up.
CIP and Planning Committee
No items
Old Business / Carryover Items
- This item was not discussed this month: Todd brought up the suggestion we consider a Webmaster Position for DWA. Now that we are using the WordPress site for our website and communications either a board member or our manager or bookkeeper or a new part-time person or outside individual should become the point person for keeping us up to speed in using the software. More discussion needs to be had about this.
New Business / Discussion Items
- None
Other Business
- Sheila asked about the Cross connection plan. Paul needs to speak with Duncan about this still.
What did we decide?
- DAVE: Get the Sandy Springs Contract to Darton to sign when it is in his hands. Arrange a tour of the Water District for new members. Arrange meeting with Ben and DOH to update the small water district plan.
- DARTON: Sign contract for the Sandy Shores project when Dave gets it.
- PAUL: Put out a notice that we will be breaking ground on the Sandy Shores project once the contract is signed. Set up a pre-construction meeting with Warren. Communicate with Duncan to go forward with Dockton Springs encroachment issue (zoom meeting needs to be set up). Speak with Duncan about cross connection issue. Arrange water production meeting and then load info onto the website for Dockton members.
In other business section, cross connection plan was asked, is this question different from the posted approved cross connection policy/program ?