Call to Order:
Welcome: Darton, President
Present/Quorum (yes): Darton, Todd, Clint, Matt, Gini, Paul, Morris , Dave (Manager). Guest: Sheila Doane
Consent Items
Approved? – Contents and order of this Agenda: Approved
Approved? – Minutes of July meeting: Approved
Information Items
Guest Speakers comments (if any): None
Board Member comments (if any): None
President’s Report — None
Manager/Operator Report (Dave)
- The results of the Revised Budget vote by the members of Dockton Water: Approved 133 votes, Not Approved 2 votes. We will move forward with the Dahl Engineering contract to update our Plan.
- Hake/Manzanita connection will not move forward at this time because we have not been given permission by the homeowner who we needed an easement from. There was discussion as to whether there might be a way to help this owner with the issues they were having that made them decline our request. It was decided that we will shelve this project for a few years and then re-approach the homeowner unless we can find a way to help him easily in the shorter term.
- Two pumps installed at the Springs in 2006 are loosing pumping power. These pumps when new were designed to pump 120 gpm. When they were installed they pumped at 115 gpm. Now they have lost considerable pumping power so we need to plan to rebuild or replace these units. They can be replaced at separate times. Dave will look into the options.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee (Todd):
- Our finances are generally on target.
- The Operations expenses are a bit high this month due to legal fees related to the law suit with King County.
- The Contingency fund remains high due to the Government loan money which will most likely need to be repaid.
- Todd is going to focus on finding the discrepancy in our reconciliation. There is a 22K difference in our favor which needs to be examined.
- Todd says we have been approved for a loan of $250K from Kitsap Bank. We will hopefully get the formal term sheet this coming week but from verbal communication Todd believes this will be a commercial loan for 20 years at 5% interest. We will be able to prepay these funds up to 20% a year if we have extra funds available. This loan is 50K higher than originally envisioned to provide a buffer in case of cost overruns on the Sandy Shores job.
- We will open a money market account with Kitsap Bank once this loan is established into which the bank funds and our money currently banked with Chase will be transferred.
- A Banking Resolution has been written and signed by both Darton and Todd confirming this relationship. Kitsap Bank wants the Dockton Water Association to formally declare and vote on the resolution establishing this relationship with the bank whereby the loan funds and other funds will be deposited with the bank. The Dockton Water Association Board hereby votes on this resolution. All members of the Board have voted to approve this resolution. The resolution is therefore passed.
Water Production Committee (Paul):
- This has been a pretty quiet month. As previously mentioned by Dave, well points are being cleaned out at the Springs.
- There was a legal bill of about $800 this month related to the King County lawsuit. The discussions between King County and the Water Districts are getting a little tougher as the suit moves forward.
CIP and Planning Committee
No items
Old Business / Carryover Items
No items
New Business / Discussion Items
- Paul says we are just waiting on funding to be able to move forward with the Sandy Shores Filtration project.
- Todd brought up the suggestion we consider a Webmaster Position for DWA. Now that we are using the WordPress site for our website and communications either a board member or our manager or bookkeeper or a new part-time person or outside individual should become the point person for keeping us up to speed in using the software. More discussion needs to be had about this.
Other Business
What did we decide?
- DAVE: Look into options for rebuild or replacement of Springs pumps that are failing. Set up time for walking of water system with new board members.
- DARTON: Move forward with Kitsap Bank loan with Todd.
- PAUL: Speak with Duncan regarding the property on Manzanita/Hake connection.
- TODD: Move forward with Kitsap Bank loan application with Darton.