I have been down at the springs this week working on well point maintenance, Upon inspection three well points had quite one not unusual but the other two not so. When a well point quits it is usually because it’s plunged with sand and that requires taking the well point apart and flushing it out with a jet and then dumping chlorine inside the well point running a special brush down inside the well point scrubbing it out. And then going down to the head works wear all the well points dump into and disconnect the water line from the head works to the well point dumping chlorine into the line putting a pig (paper towel waded up into a ball that fits tight in the water line) and hooking up a hose to the line and flushing it out. The chlorine and pig work great together, the chlorine disinfects while the pig scrubs the line clean of such things as manganese build up that happens to a half dozen well points. After that i hook the water line to the well point and charge the line with water then unplug the hose from the line and that creates a siphon getting the well point to flow again, letting it run overnight to run out any debris that may still be in there along with the chlorine that was dumped into the well point. It is a lot of work but very effective in cleaning and getting maximum flow out of a well point.
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