Welcome to the Dockton Water Association website.
All shareholders and the general public are invited to learn more about our association by visiting these pages. Note: To automatically receive emailed notifications when new information is posted about specific topics, complete the form you’ll find on the right edge of each page. We appreciate your interest and are glad to be able to get information to you quickly and easily.
Do you need to report a problem? Billing question?
If you are experiencing any kind of problem or trouble or have a billing question, please call the office at (206) 463-5600.
Monthly Board Meeting
Meetings are currently held via Zoom on the fourth Saturday of every month at 10am. (Nov/Dec meetings merged and held on Sat. 2 Dec., 10AM.)
Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5160276420 Meeting ID 516 027 6420
Question of the day
What are backflow assemblies, and why do we care? Find out HERE!